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2024-02-16 : Sree Manju Hospitals

Spondylosis, commonly known as spinal osteoarthritis, is a degenerative condition that affects the spine, causing pain and stiffness. While it's a natural part of aging, recent years have witnessed a concerning surge in spondylosis cases, prompting a closer examination of the factors contributing to this escalation.

Causes of Increasing Spondylosis Cases:

1. Sedentary Lifestyles:

The rise of sedentary lifestyles, characterized by prolonged periods of sitting, has become ubiquitous in today's digital age. Whether it's spending hours hunched over desks at work or binge-watching TV shows on the couch, our bodies are subjected to minimal movement, leading to weakened spinal muscles and increased vulnerability to spondylosis.

2. Slouching on Computers and Electronic Devices:

With the prevalence of computers, laptops, smartphones, and tablets, many individuals find themselves constantly slouching or hunching over screens. This poor posture places undue stress on the spine, accelerating the degenerative process and contributing to the development of spondylosis at a younger age.

3. Poor Posture Habits:

In addition to screen-related slouching, poor posture habits in various everyday activities further exacerbate the risk of spondylosis. Whether it's improper lifting techniques, incorrect sitting posture, or carrying heavy bags asymmetrically, these habits place undue strain on the spine, hastening its degeneration.

4. Lack of Regular Exercise:

Physical inactivity is a significant contributor to the rise of spondylosis. A lack of regular exercise leads to weakened muscles and ligaments supporting the spine, making it more susceptible to degenerative changes. Furthermore, exercise promotes spinal flexibility and strengthens surrounding muscles, helping to mitigate the effects of spondylosis.

Symptoms of Spondylosis:

Spondylosis can manifest in various symptoms, including:

Chronic neck or back pain, which may worsen with movement or prolonged sitting.

Stiffness and limited range of motion in the spine, making everyday activities challenging.

Numbness or tingling sensations in the arms or legs, indicating nerve compression or irritation.

Headaches, particularly at the base of the skull, often associated with cervical spondylosis.

Treatment Options at Sree Manju Hospital:

At Sree Manju Hospital, we recognize the debilitating impact of spondylosis on individuals' quality of life. Our comprehensive approach to treatment encompasses:

Individualized Physical Therapy Programs:

Our skilled physiotherapists design tailored exercise regimens aimed at strengthening spinal muscles, improving flexibility, and correcting posture abnormalities.

Non-Surgical Interventions:

We offer a range of non-invasive treatments, including medications for pain management and inflammation reduction, epidural steroid injections, and spinal decompression therapy to alleviate symptoms and improve mobility.

Advanced Surgical Techniques:

In cases where conservative treatments are ineffective, our team of experienced orthopedic surgeons specializes in minimally invasive spinal surgeries, such as laminectomy, discectomy, and spinal fusion, to address underlying structural abnormalities and relieve pressure on spinal nerves.

Ongoing Support and Education:

We believe in empowering patients to actively participate in their treatment journey. Our healthcare professionals provide comprehensive education on lifestyle modifications, ergonomic principles, and preventive measures to manage spondylosis effectively and prevent recurrence.

In conclusion, spondylosis represents a significant public health concern, with its prevalence on the rise in contemporary society. The convergence of sedentary lifestyles, poor posture habits, and lack of physical activity contributes to the escalating incidence of this debilitating condition. However, by fostering awareness, adopting ergonomic practices, and seeking timely medical intervention, individuals can mitigate the risk of spondylosis and lead healthier, more active lives. At Sree Manju Hospital, we are committed to providing compassionate care and innovative treatment solutions to help patients overcome the challenges posed by spondylosis and regain optimal spinal health.
